Sunday, April 11, 2021

We are Writers!

Children need many opportunities to experience language in playful ways, and in kindergarten we write often! We use alphabet charts, writing paper, pencil, markers and crayons. We always start with drawing a picture, and talk about our ideas with other students and the teacher. Then, we write!

Using word bubblegum, students “stretch out” the word they want to write and write down the letters sounds they hear. Students are encouraged to work independently, and are praised often. We believe it is important that children know they are not expected to write exactly as adults do (we call this “adult” or “book” spelling). Success occurs as children’s writing begins to include more accurate letter sounds. Each student is celebrated every step of the way!

You can support your child’s written language in much the same way that you supported their oral language development as they were learning to talk. Praise your child’s attempt at writing and provide them with writing tools such as markers, pencils, pencil crayons, and paper at home.

For the next few months, we will be learning all the popcorn words. Please ask your child "What popcorn words do you see in this picture?"


Thank you for returning your home reading books on Monday's :)

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